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ECP addresses climate change via the capitalization of highly specialized and dynamic traded environmental commodity markets as well as investments in environmental projects that promote direct climate solutions.

We target markets that are demonstrably addressing climate change or other pressing environmental challenges.

Structured Commodity
Finance Projects

In most environmental commodity markets, demand for capital to fund emission-reduction projects vastly outstrips supply. End users of emissions certificates (e.g., energy producers and other “emitters”) usually buy these certificates “on demand” for their compliance (and sometimes voluntary) needs. As a result, they are “price takers” and are unwilling to advance the capital needed to develop those projects.

End users also typically avoid entering into long-term advance purchase agreements due to price risk and/or hedging costs, which results in limited capital for promising projects. To address this, ECP provides differentiated capital through commodity prepayments, long-term purchase agreements, and other innovative offtake agreements. By using such risk transfer mechanisms, project developers and clean energy producers can access the financing needed to advance their programs.

Our unique capital base and innovative structuring bolsters undersupplied decarbonization markets and accelerates project development. Our investments produce quantifiable impacts, including reduced emissions, accelerated financing for decarbonization and environmental protection projects, and the increased creation, adoption, and integration of sustainability initiatives.

Traded Environmental

Though traded commodity investments have less direct and measurable impact outcomes, our specialized knowledge contributes to the enhanced integrity of these markets and their efficacy in reducing emissions.

Our participation can result in increased efficiency of pricing externalities, improved effectiveness of emissions regulations, and higher government revenues for environmental use resulting from increased demand for environmental commodities in public auctions.

Sustainability, Social, and Governance (“SSG”) factors that may be considered as part of ECP’s investment process are shown below:

Air quality/pollution


Greenhouse gas emissions

Renewable energy

Sustainable agriculture

Sustainable land use

Water quality/sustainability

Wilderness conservation

Climate justice

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Economic benefits/livelihoods in disadvantaged communities

Health and safety

Human rights


Anti-money laundering

Business ethics


Counterparty risk


Project governance

Regulatory compliance

Risk management

  • Sustainability Factors

    Air quality/pollution


    Greenhouse gas emissions

    Renewable energy

    Sustainable agriculture

    Sustainable land use

    Water quality/sustainability

    Wilderness conservation

  • Social Factors

    Climate justice

    Diversity, equity, and inclusion

    Economic benefits/livelihoods in disadvantaged communities

    Health and safety

    Human rights


  • Governance Factors

    Anti-money laundering

    Business ethics


    Counterparty risk


    Project governance

    Regulatory compliance

    Risk management

ECP is committed to
the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Through our commitment to environmental investing across the entire ECP platform, every ECP investment reflects a commitment to certain United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”)—a set of 17 goals adopted by the UN in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve the lives of everyone, everywhere by 2030.

The primary UN SDGs aligned with the majority of ECP investments (i.e., traded environmental commodities) are:

Affordable & Clean Energy


Affordable & Clean Energy

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Sustainable Cities & Communities

SDG 11

Sustainable Cities & Communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Climate Action

SDG 13

Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Other UN SDGs aligned with various structured commodity finance investments across our funds include:

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